Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life Surprises

Wow, I am bad at this blogging thing. I am going to try to be better, I promise. Well a lot of things have happened since last time. In March of this year we were told that there is a good chance we would not be able to have children. It was probably the hardest news I have ever heard. However, I am a fighter and try not to give up to easily. I just knew that this could not be, so while I went to this Doctor, I just didn't feel very good about him. I decided to go see another Dr. that my friend told me about. I then waited till September to go get checked out again. When Brandon and I went, we felt that it was a very good experience. The Dr. told us what solutions we could do, and where to start first. I felt very optimistic. When we were done talking to the Dr. I asked if there is anyway he could do a HCG blood test. I told him I was just feeling very different and I didn't feel normal. I just wanted to know if there was a chance. Well, the next day they called and told me that all my other blood tests came back normal, and that my HCG test came back positive. I was shock, I think I screamed on the phone. I kept asking if this was really happening. I was so happy and had a perma-smile on my face. The nurse told me my HCG levels were at 40 and that I needed to come back the next day to do another blood test, to make sure my levels went up because the levels were a little low. So, I went back the next day had my blood test and was told my levels spiked up to 136. Yes, we were for sure pregnant. I can not tell you how excited Brandon and I were. I remember immediately getting down on my knees and thanking my Heavenly Father for this long awaited blessing. Next, was the appointment at 10 weeks to hear the baby's heartbeat. I was so nervous, but when I saw this little gummy bear inside me, and saw the heart fluttering I can not express the words I was feeling. I was so happy, it was truly the best surprise I have ever been given. Now I am at 17 weeks……. Brandon and I are having a baby May 27, 2014

Monday, March 11, 2013

Life of Lemons and Lemonade

Hello it has been forever. Well where do I start? This last year has been a interesting year. We have now lived in our home for over a year now. We adopted a cute Boxer Puppy named Odie. He has been challenging but fun at the same time. People have asked us why Boxer, well that has been Brandon's dream dog since he was little. I love dogs, so I didn't care which kind we got. He is almost one and weighs a good 80 pounds. So there is the dog story. Last year we got some scary news. Brandon was having some health complications, so he went to the doctor. He was told that he could have cancer or diabetes. That was some of the worst news you could ever hear about you husband. Both are not good, but I was truly praying that it was not cancer. Luckily it was not cancer, but we then heard that he had Type 1 Diabetes. For those of you that don't know about diabetes it is one of the worst ones you can have. We have had to do some adjusting and really watch the carbs he eats. Brandon has been doing fine, and is adjusting to his new life. I took it upon myself to do diligent research on this disease, because it has affected me as well. I have learned many new recipes and have been advised to make a blog of this.....Maybe to come in the future. This has also helped me eat more healthy as well.